Ekaav means 'unity'..

Like most project leads & managers, I know the weight of making crucial choices in silos. I also know the frustrations of dealing with other stakeholders in such decisions. The long calls & meetings, confusing email threads, opinionated monologues, messy spreadsheets, you name it.

The vision for Ekaav is clear: to revolutionize how teams make decisions. At the heart of this vision is a core belief, "Choose Together". I firmly believe that the collective intelligence of a group surpasses the insights of any individual, especially in a business ecosystem. Ekaav aims to empower teams to harness this collective wisdom, enabling them to make better choices and achieve remarkable results.

Rooted in the principles of simplicity, clarity, and collaboration, Ekaav is designed to offer a seamless experience for all participants to make important business choices with ease, objectivity, confidence and cohesion.

I'm here to support you every step of the way, whether you're just getting started or have a brilliant suggestion for a new feature.

Founder @ Ekaav

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Meet Ragi Ball & Eka